A Rooted and Built Up Marriage {Building Marriage}

A Mocha For Your Tuesday

Aug 7, 2018

Marriage Tips //Building A Stronger Marriage // Huntsville Wedding Photographers

I was in the middle of my devotions one morning when this verse really jumped out at me.

“Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”

Colossians 2:6-7

The phrase “rooted and built up” is beautiful, and my mind drifted to how that can also be applied to marriage.

Love is rooted.

Our marriages need to be rooted in a 1 Corinthians 13 kind of love. Love that is patient and selfless. It bears no record of wrong. It’s not arrogant, and it doesn’t insist on its own way. Marriage should be rooted in a love that is faithful and trustworthy.

The roots of love are those essential things that can’t be compromised in a healthy relationship. Trust, understanding, goodwill, faithfulness, patience. They need to be there at the beginning, but are still developed over time. Like a fragile robin’s eggshell, they can be cracked or broken. But like a mighty oak tree, their deep roots can also hold you steadfast in the face of life’s strong storms.

Protect those roots of love.

Love is built up.

Our marriages also need to have a love that is built up. Relationships take intentional and constant work, especially one as unique and close as the marriage relationship. It’s an every day, every moment kind of relationship. Being rooted in a faithful love is important, but we also need to be diligently working to build on that love.

What does it look like to build up your love?

It’s in the every day choices you make for your relationship. It’s in choosing a gentle word instead of venting your frustration. Serving with a joyful heart, even when you feel a little overwhelmed. It’s in spending intentional time talking about your marriage and how you can love each other better. All those things we talk about in the Mochas – those are love building things.

And more importantly…

Our faith is a huge part of our lives, and we’d love to encourage you to also strive to be rooted and built up in Jesus Christ. As sinners who can’t save ourselves, even our faith is a precious gift from God. When Jesus died on the cross for our sins and defeated death through his resurrection, he gave us the salvation we could never earn for ourselves!

A life of faith can be hard sometimes, just like marriage. There is no greater joy, however, than being rooted in Jesus Christ! We’re rooted in his forgiveness, and we’re built up as we strive to live holy lives out of thankfulness for a gift we could never earn.

As you create a marriage that is rooted and built up, we pray that your relationship with our Creator is rooted and built up, as well.



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  1. a photographer says:

    Great article. I really like your post.

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