“Why marriage is good for you. The data are clear: you’ll live longer, stay saner, get richer, and be happier.”
~quote from Maggie Gallagher, cityjournal.org
Every once in awhile, I Google “marriage” and browse through random articles that come up. It’s great food for thought to see the whole gamut of thought that makes its way into the top hits on the internet.
Hits like this City Journal article that lists 10 reasons why marriage is good for you. I can’t help but feeling like they’re pulling some data a little bit out of context, which made it just as fascinating.
When I read this headline, it caught my attention. Who doesn’t want to live longer and be richer? When I think about all the marriage issues and divorce rates prominent in our society today, how true could this be?
As soon as I read the first line, “Marriage is good for you”, my mind drifted off. I know marriage is a good thing. What reasons would I give to follow that statement if I were the writer?
Marriage is good for us because it forces us to be less selfish.
It creates a spirit of teamwork. Marriage requires faithfulness, trust, and commitment. It’s good for us because to make it work, we must learn to put someone else before ourselves.
In essence, the above statements could be true, for sure. Joel definitely keeps me saner than if I was flying solo. I’m definitely happier because he’s in my life, and I guess we’re richer because there’s two of us. We’re richer in nonmonetary ways, for sure. Living longer is TBD?
Marriage itself showers special blessings – things like constant companionship, someone to deeply trust, a bff to have sleepovers with for the rest of your life. You have a travel partner. A sounding board. Someone who understands you better than anyone else.
The real benefit is learning to love someone in a sacrificial way. In some ways, it’s a picture of Christ and how He loves us. Our marriage can refine us into more loving, more giving, more serving people.
And to me, that is one of the reasons marriage is good for you.
Here’s to building stronger marriages!
Want more thoughts on building a stronger marriage? Check out these Marriage Mochas!
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