The Foundation of It All…

Life with Joel & Amber

Sep 3, 2015

A wedding is a time for so much celebration! We celebrate love, family, uniting two lives, and so many other wonderful things! One of the greatest blessings as wedding photographers is witnessing some of the most special, most intimate, and most real moments of people’s lives. We are privileged with capturing those moments into a forever memory!

Joel and I have a deep faith in God that has become the richest part of our lives. Today we’d like to share a few of our favorite and happiest moments from couples that share in this joy. There is nothing sweeter, deeper, and more meaningful than those times when a couple stops to thank God for each other, their marriage, their families, and this gift of marriage.

We believe that a marriage with God at the center is a beautiful and strong testimony of love. Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” Ecclesiastes 4:12

I think my favorite moment ever is when a J&A Couple prays together before the wedding. There is nothing more beautiful than watching love and faith come together.

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Sweet, sweet moments.

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I love when parents spend some time praying with their children. What an amazing testimony of a faith shared with generations.

Those quiet moments just before she finally walks down the aisle, when she walks toward her beautiful future…

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Where your friends bring you and your future before the throne of God…

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Sharing the Word of God in a meaningful way…

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Quiet moments of prayer together before you speak some of the most important words of your life.

Those moments when your parents come and pray for you and your future together…

Every moment at a wedding is so special and full of meaning. But these moments…seeking God as the foundation of a marriage…they are the very best.

*hugs and prayers*


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