Goals, Focus, and Intention: 2017

Life with Joel & Amber

Jan 19, 2017

How do you like to dream about your fresh new year? Do you write New Year’s resolutions, or just make one or two goals to work toward? So many people are super on top of it and have their goals ready by January 2nd.

I always have to take a deep breath, take some time to do a little pondering, and think about what I really want our year to look like.

This year, I chose a word.


Photo credit: Erin Lindsey Images

When I look back on 2016 and think about what I want to do differently with my life, focus is the word that kept coming back to me. It’s something I want to be more intentional about.

Focus on what’s important.

Focus on becoming our best.

Focus on using our time wisely.

In a world that’s increasingly filled with clutter, sometimes it’s hard to step back from all the things vying for our attention and figure out what’s really important.

What matters.

I want to focus on the things that are important to me and to have the freedom to let all the clutter matter less. Release the hold that clutter has on my attention.

This means to focus on what will serve our clients the best. To focus on how we can be a blessing to others – not just when it’s easy, but when it’s hard. To focus on what we really want our lives to look like.

I want to focus on becoming the best that we can be.

To be as best equipped to provide our brides, other vendors, and everyone else around us with the best experience that we can. To become the best photographers we can. To be the best business owners that we can. We want to become people that do everything in love and with our whole hearts, to do things in a way that glorifies God and not ourselves.

Photo by Erin Lindsey Images

I want to focus on using our time wisely.

Less time wasted on social media and more time spent on real relationships, real learning, and enjoying the world around us. I want to read a book instead of reading Facebook. I want to invest in real relationships instead of hiding behind a computer screen. I want to soak in the world around me instead of jumping on Instagram when I get bored.

I want to create less distractions for myself and focus on being present.

I want to focus on spending our time on what’s important instead of letting it slip by on the frivolous things. I would rather take a walk under the stars with somebody I love than scroll through my Facebook feed.

Discover what builds me up and creates more depth in my life.

I want to focus on enjoying experiences. To travel and see the world. To find that epic coffee. To step out of my introverted shell and have a conversation with the person next to me on the airplane. To see the world in a way that I’ve never seen it before. To break free from fear and live a life bigger than that “what if”s.

And in all these things, I want to focus on how I can use these precious moments of this life in a way that will make our lives richer and impact the people God has placed into my life.

I have a list of goals for 2017: to take a bike ride along the grassy shores of Prince Edward Island, publish an e-book, book our perfect number of weddings, finally master the elusive latte art heart, read 15 business books, learn about the entire coffee process – seed to cup, finish the entire Anne of Green Gables series, and explore Charleston.

Goals come with focus. A series of intentional actions with a golden reward waiting for us at the end. As I learn to focus better and focus on the important things, I hope that I can not only accomplish my own goals but also encourage and help others achieve their dreams.

It takes work. Our minds are easily distracted by the clutter. Will a life of focusing on what matters be worth it?


What do you want to focus on this year? I would love to hear about it and encourage you on your journey.



P.S. I deleted the Facebook app off my phone this morning. Winning at focus sometimes means setting yourself up for success! What can you do today to set yourself up for success in the things that really matter? <3


Photo by Erin Lindsey Images


  1. Patti Palmer says:

    This is great food for thought. I’d like to focus more on things that matter: my relationship with Christ, with family & with co-workers. Spending less time on FB will be a challenge!

  2. Linda Pearcy says:

    You will totally love Anne of Green Gables ! My goal is to make it to Prince Edward Island also. I want to see the lake of shining water. I believe in kindrid spirits also .

    • Joel and Amber says:

      I’m so excited! I’ve always loved Anne of Green Gables, and stories always become “real” in my mind. :) I hope you get a chance to see the Lake of Shining Waters one day!

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