Falling Like Leaves {Building Marriage}

A Mocha For Your Tuesday

Dec 6, 2016

Sometimes when I blog, the words just come. I know my topic, I know my outline, and I know how I want to share my information.

Sometimes, like today, it’s just a dreary winter day. I’m staring at the blinking cursor on my computer screen, much more tempted to curl up in bed with a Jane Austen novel than to be productive.

Today as I was staring out the window into my front yard, I found myself mindlessly gazing at the Bradford Pear tree in our front yard. It’s such a classic front yard tree here in the south. :)



As I watched the red and orange leaves flutter to the ground in the windy rain, I thought about times in our marriages when God sends a cold, windy moments to help us shed things that are dead and distracting.

When our marriages are warm and sunny, and we feel beautiful and vibrant, it’s easy to not think deeply about things that matter. Things (and habits) that are actually building what our marriage will look like years down the road.

Sometimes it takes a dreary day of wintery wind to show us what needs to fall from our lives and our marriages. Maybe our tendency to say spiteful things about our spouse when we’re angry, perhaps, or our habit of demanding our own way. Maybe being selfish in our relationship or a hundred other things that can creep into our relationships.

Cold, rainy days in our lives aren’t always fun. Sometimes, they’re just straight out painful.

But when you hit one of those windy days of rain, ask yourself what you might need to shed from your own life. How can these tough lessons help you drop the dead leaves and come back strong and vibrant when the season becomes warm again?




  1. Patti Palmer says:

    Thanks so much for your words of wisdom, Amber. Marriages at all stages need constant work. Just like the weather, there are sunny times and stormy times.

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