We all know what it’s like to come home tired, cranky, and just kind of annoyed with life. The smallest things can set us off, and quickly. When those tense emotions make you critical of anything and everything, be careful about going into attack mode!
There’s a big difference between attacking and discussing. It’s important to know this difference and understand situations where you are vulnerable to attack mode.
Compare these two scenarios:
“Why are you always on your phone when I’m trying to tell you about my day? You clearly don’t really care about what goes on. What are you doing on there, anyway?”
“Hey! Can I talk to you about something that I’ve been thinking about? I’ve felt frustrated lately when I’m trying to talk to you about my day, but your focus stays on your phone. I know you care about what’s going on in my life, but it makes me feel like you’re bored with what I’m saying. Maybe we can come up with a solution that will work for both of our personalities.”
I don’t know about you, but I would probably get defensive after being accused about not really caring. And feeling defensive, I might even interpret that last part to some kind of suspicious accusation.
Be intentional about how you approach discussions such as these. Discussions usually turn out much, much better when sparks are not flying.
This week, think about situations where you are vulnerable to accusations. How can you develop an action plan to help you recognize that, simmer down, and talk about it from a loving perspective?
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