3 Ways To Take Care of Your Bridal Party on the Wedding Day


Dec 15, 2016

In all the hustle and bustle surrounding a bride on the wedding day, the bridal party sometimes just fades into the background. Not intentionally, of course, but there’s just so much going on – getting the bride into her dress, the First Look, romantic sunset portraits, making sure the programs are in the right place, formal family pictures, etc, etc. And etc, etc, etc. :)

The bridal party is usually there first thing in the morning with the bride and groom – then wait patiently for their turn to ham it up in front of the camera – then wait patiently again for the ceremony to start.

To help make the wedding day super fun and enjoyable for these friends that you have come to love like family, we’re sharing 3 tips to make sure they’re well taken care of while you’re doing your wedding day thing!


1. Give everyone a clear schedule so they know where they need to be and when.

It helps your bridal party out when they know what’s expected of them that day.

Imagine that you’re a bridesmaid and you’re excited to try out a new hairdo you’ve been planning for months. You’re still waiting your turn for makeup. You still have a few hours before the ceremony – lots of time to get creative!

Suddenly, you get a call from the photographer that all the bridesmaids need to get into their dresses to be in the classic “bride getting into her dress” shots. Goodbye, fancy hairdo! That’s not what you want for your friends – and that’s not what we want for your girls, either! Simply setting timing expectations goes a long way to keeping everybody on track.

This goes for the guys, too. They can usually get dressed pretty quickly. Most groomsmen prefer to hang out in their comfy clothes until the absolute last possible minute. Not that I blame them! The suits are dashing and all, but they can’t quite compete with gym shorts in terms of hangout-worthy comfort.

He’s hanging out with his friends, kind of feeling like he should probably be getting dressed soon, but nobody else is. So he’ll just hang out until something happens – and ends up holding up the entire bridal party portrait session because he’s having trouble with his bowtie. No fun, huh?

Give them a full schedule of the day -like when they need to be dressed and what time they need to be gathered and ready for their pictures. It takes away the uncertainty and gets rid of the “I’m-rushing-and-this-isn’t-what-I-imaged” kind of morning.


2. Provide them with a full lunch before the ceremony. You might have the jitters and can’t imagine eating anything, but your friends are going to get pretty hungry over the course of the day. Especially if your bridal party is there over lunch time, make sure they have access to plenty of substantial food. Snacks are nice and really helpful to have throughout the day, but some people need more than granola bars to tide them over until the reception. Keep plenty of water bottles on hand!


3. Make it a goal to spend at least a couple minutes in one-on-one meaningful conversation each of your girls (or your guys, if you’re a groom!). The wedding day is crazy! We totally get it! But bridal party members often go through a lot of effort and expense to make sure they’re at your side for your big day. Totally worth it, always! Tell your friends how much you appreciate them! Let the rest of the world fade away for just 120 seconds and honor the friendship that’s meant so much to you both.


Do you have any ways that you loved on your bridal party at your wedding? We want to hear them! Comment below to share your own ideas! :)



  1. These is good ideas for bridal
    Great share

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