Who Pays For The Bridesmaid Dresses?


Mar 29, 2018

Wedding Planning Tips // Huntsville Wedding Photographers

We’re popping in today to answer the “who pays for the bridesmaids dresses?” question that comes up during the wedding planning.

Tradition Speaks

Traditionally, a bridesmaid is responsible for covering all of her own expenses: dress, shoes, accessories, lodging.

If your budget is generous or you prefer to make the purchase yourself, I’m pretty sure none of them will complain if you take on the full or a percentage of the expense!

Either option is appropriate wedding etiquette, so make the decision based on your (and your bridesmaids’) unique situations.

3 Tips for Bridesmaid Friendly Choices

As a bride, be considerate when making decisions that affect your bridesmaids’ wallets (and fashion sense!) Here are a couple tips for keeping things friendly and manageable for your girls:

1. Choose dresses within a reasonable budget.

That doesn’t mean  you have to shop for the cheapest option out there, per se, but try to stay away from price tags that will make your friends cringe inside.

If you’d like to splurge on a more luxurious style, consider chipping in and paying for a certain percentage of each dress.

2. Give shoes, jewelry, or accessories as gifts to your bridesmaids.

Especially if you’re expecting them to wear matching shoes or earrings, they’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness in taking care of that detail for them!

3. Follow the trend of allowing your bridesmaids to choose their preferred style dress.

Many salons will offer the same color dress in a variety of styles. We all know that there’s no one-style-flatters-all option, so give your girls the gift of finding something they’ll love!

Quick and simple, but I hope you found that helpful!



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