Wedding Planning Drama: When It Comes and What To Do


Jul 6, 2017

We’re talking about a complicated little subject for today’s J&A Tidbit!

Going back to my own days of wedding planning, I remember how hard it was to deal with everyone’s opinions. My mom liked the candelabras, my grandma wanted to adjust the decor, and I was somewhere between alstroemeria and begonias.

All that to say, we weren’t all on the same page. :)

Any other people pleasers out there? *raises hand* It’s a little challenging, isn’t it? You want to make everybody happy, but….you kind of want something else.

My mom and grandma – and all the other advice givers – were very kind and sweet. Opinion were *usually* followed with a “whatever you want to do”, but it’s not always that easy. Sometimes you have family or friends with strong opinions that really think it should be done a certain way.

So how do you deal with all the conflicting advice, especially when it’s different than what you had envisioned? We’re sharing 5 things to remember as you deal with wedding planning advice!

1. Take a quick step back. If emotions are welling up (the negative ones, I mean), give yourself some space and a few minutes to actually think it over. Try to figure out why your mom or friend feels so strongly about something. It might be something to consider, after all! Whatever decision you end up making, it will go over much better if you let her explain all her reasons why it’s the best way. Give yourself a few days to think it over. If you decide against it, that’s okay! You’ll know that you thoughtfully considered it and can feel confident in your decision.

2. Is there a way to compromise? Especially if you’re conflicting with a parent who is paying for your wedding, it’s worth seeing if there’s a way to meet in the middle. Talk about the things that are most important to each of you and why you’d each like it done a certain way, and look for a happy medium. Compromise might be easier than you think if you both go in with hearts ready to find a solution! :)

3. Know ahead of time that you can’t please everybody. As much as you (and I!) would love to make everybody happy all the time, it’s just not going to happen. Be respectful of everyone and thankful that they care enough about you to want what they think is best, but only one decision can be made. You’re going to have to make it. :)

4. Always be kind! Don’t instantly cut someone off of an opinion because it’s not yours. You might not agree with it at all, but most people have your best interest at heart! Smile, thank them, decide if it’s even worth considering, and go on with your planning.

5. Remember the big picture!! It’s your wedding day, no one else’s. Well, it’s your fiancè’s wedding day, too – but you know what I mean. :) When the day is over, what do you have left? Your husband, your pictures, your memories – and your friends and family. Even if a few things couldn’t be exactly how you wish they could have been, it’s okay. You have a lifetime to live and love together! Don’t let the little details bog you down from the real celebration – your love and commitment to each other! This is your legacy. This legacy of love.




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