There’s a Facebook group specifically focusing on Christian marriage that one of my friends added me to a few months ago. I’m a silent member, but I enjoy hearing about others’ victories over marriage struggles and praying for those who are just trying to figure it all out.
Recently, one guy posted a picture of a playbill from the musical “Wicked”. He said that it took him 9 years to finally fulfill his wife’s dreams of seeing that play. He also said he actually really enjoyed it, although he’d never admit it. :)
(Wicked Playbill image from
It made me think of how often we avoid things that our spouse loves just because we aren’t personally interested. Sure, we’ll let them go off and do their thing. Maybe even without complaining about it.
How much would it mean to them, though, if we took the time to do something special that hasn’t been checked off of their bucket list because you weren’t interested?
Or even better, something not on the bucket list. What if you took the time to participate in something simple that he or she really likes to do?
Like how Joel wakes up at 6am on a Saturday morning to go yard sale treasure hunting with me.
I’m pretty sure he’d rather sleep in. But he comes.
It makes me feel loved. Loved enough that he would set aside his own personal preferences to not only make sure that I’m doing something I really enjoy, but that he’s doing it with me.
This week, look for something simple you can do with your spouse that will show how much their happiness means to you. :)
weekly goodies in your inbox
The is a great idea. Thanks.